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December, 1984 was the beginning of our local family history group.

The first meeting of the Sunbury & District Branch of the G.S.V., was held on the 12th December 1984, and from that meeting, the Sunbury group was formed on the initiative of Peter Free, and the support of some interested ‘former’ ‘genealogy students’ who had recently attended some family history classes, conducted by Peter at the Leisure Centre.

The first office bearers elected were Peter Free [Chairman], Ian Symonds [Vice Chairman], Wendy Abey [Secretary], Marilyn Bray [Treasurer], Graham Fary [Bulletin editor], Gayle Morrison & Monica Senyard [Librarians], Phyllis Ripp [Assistant Secretary] and Graham Fary [Photographer] and Bill Kirk. Peter, who is a Life Member, was the group’s Chairman for at least the first 10 years. Bill has held a number of roles including Librarian, Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor [holding both of the latter two roles together over a period of years, others that followed had long standing positions also.

The Group’s first Genealogical exhibition was held on April 20th, 1986, at ‘Craiglee Winery’, a perfect venue to hold what was a successful exhibition. Much appreciation was extended to Mr & Mrs Pat Carmody for the use of the winery and their help with the exhibition.  The Group has had to do some fundraising along the way, which included having a stall at the local Sunbury Fair and having several raffles.

In April 1991 - The Sunbury & District Group of the Genealogical Society of Victoria officially changed its name to the Sunbury Regional Genealogical Society Inc., and as such, is now an independent association. A new set of Rules have been drawn up. We are now called Sunbury Family History Society Inc.

The early days saw many of the Group documenting Headstones in Cemeteries in around the Sunbury area, including Macedon, Riddell, Romsey, Kyneton, Bulla and Kilmore. Many of us utilised the microfiche  before family data was put on computers. Our library of books also help put together some of the missing areas we often stumble across.

Currently the Group meets once a month with guest speakers who give us a talk on many interesting topics. We are also available to help you with your questions about family and district history.

The length of your family history is not as important as the quality of the information in it’.

St Marys Anglican Church Sunbury

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